NPR directly, a second piece was written to further explain their position and a desire to describe the technique rather than simply describe it as torture.
I didn’t see him giving orders to the guards, and I don’t think he was in a position to give orders to the guards. He then proceeded to pour water into me again, so that I think he emptied four such cans, and my body became so full of it, that twice it came out again at the throat.
I think that the can from which he poured out - the water held about three pints. "What is still seared in my memory is watching people jump out of the windows of the World Trade Center towers because the alternative is being burned to death inside," he said in an interview.
Army in the Philippines following the Spanish-American War (189

, by the Japanese Army during World War II, and by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (1975-7

. As a form of torture, waterboarding became illegal under the law of war with the adoption of the third Geneva Convention of 1929, which required that prisoners of war be treated humanely, and the third and fourth Geneva Conventions of 1949, which explicitly prohibited the torture and cruel treatment of prisoners of war and civilians, respectively.
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